Fundraising for Youth

Youth can participate in fundraising to help offset the costs for church mission trips, Sugar Creek Bible Camp, and the ELCA Youth Gathering.

Funds raised for Sugar Creek Bible Camp must be turned into the church office by the end of May. Fundraising opportunities include…

Faith Webs

  • Our goal is to get 4 households supporting each youth! Learn more…

Scrip Cards

  • Kwik Trip (5%)

  • Woodmans (5%)

  • Festival (3%)

  • WalMart (2.5%)

  • Target (2.5%)

Shop with Scrip

Butter Braids

  • Typically go on sale in October/November, in time for the holiday season.

Palm Sunday Breakfast

Chicken Dinner

Upcoming Fundraising Events

(list below may include fundraisers for other ministries other than youth ministry…)