Upcoming Youth Events in September 2015!

HS Small Group Devotions

Do you need a mid-week break, high schoolers? Come join Tina after Wednesday night worship for a time to de-stress and refocus on God.
Starting: Wednesday, Sept. 9 @ 7pm—8pm


NEW!! Every Sunday evening there will be a youth group meeting at 6:30pm—8:30pm. High school youth can come hang out in a time of fellowship and learning. 
Starting: Sunday, Sept. 13

HS In-Between Services

Come Sunday morning in between services for a small group gathering. Here we can talk about tough issues, dive into Scripture and grow together as a community.
Starting: Sunday, Sept. 13


Come join in a fun night of fellowship and games. This is a once a month get-together for those high school game nerds out there! Bring your own favorite games to share with the group!
Monday, Sept. 14 @ 7pm—8:30pm


Stay up all night hanging out with fellow youth! Tina will have games, a camp-style worship, movies and more!! (Will return youth to parents ready to sleep for an entire day!)

  • High School: Sept. 19 @ 7pm
  • Middle School: Sept. 26 @ 7pm


Are you a movie buff? High schoolers, come teach Tina your ways! We will get together once a month to watch a movie and discuss after. Bring popcorn and a blanket!
Monday, Sept. 28  @ 7pm


Are you and a friend looking for something more? Talk to Tina about starting up your own personal small group with her. She would love to get together, go get coffee, go for a hike, etc. Get a group together and decide today!
Starting: NOW!!

Feel free to invite friends along to every event!!