High School Update for October 2018

The last two Sundays, First has gathered 10-15 high schoolers for a youth group time to eat (5:30–6pm) and meet (6–7:30pm). The desire to meet where they can “have a safe place to talk, like our confirmation small groups were… where all are welcome” came from the high schoolers themselves. It’s pretty fantastic! Teesha Willinger, who helped teach many of them Peer Ministry is their adult leader, but the kids aren’t afraid to take the lead either. I just wanted you to know, in case you didn’t, that this ministry is blooming at First.

Also… we need help providing the food! Please consider signing up to provide a meal for the kids once or twice this year. It works best—since we’re getting over 40 kids a week between middle and high school—if two families sign up per week. Go to 1stlu.org/mshseat and bring a crockpot of sloppy joe meat, or buy 12 pizzas from Dominos or overwhelm them with taco fixin’s or whatever. This worked great in the past when parents fed the kids on Wednesday nights. We’re hoping this could work Sundays, too.

Finally, if you would like to get a jump start fundraising for camp or a mission trip your child can sit behind a table in the narthex after or before worship to sell scrip cards. Gas, groceries and general store cards are available. All proceeds sold during your ‘shift’ go to your account unless the buyer specifies another family. Go to 1stlu.org/scriptable to sign up.