Caring Connections

During the past year, as our young adults moved into dorm rooms, different cities, started new jobs, and joined the military, the congregation at First Lutheran helped these newcomers out by with our Caring Connections ministry. These new adventures are very exciting but can also be overwhelming. By building a strong faith community for these past high school graduates we can support them even when we can’t be with them. We are hoping to build a cross generational bridge that would support these young adults through thoughtful conversations with youth, peers, adults, parents, grandparents, Godparents, and mentors. We will match each young adult with a confirmand, an adult congregation member (adult—preferably an AAA adult), and a Sunday School class.

It is our hope that...

  • once a month, the Sunday school class would write, draw, color, etc., something for the recipient
  • twice a month, the Confirmands would e-mail, write or contact the recipient
  • a member of the congregation would be presented with stationary so they could write letters, cards, etc., to the recipient (everyone loves a letter in the mail!)

Caring Connections is a wonderful way to offer support and friendship to these brothers and sisters in Christ.